University of Chicago
Department of Statistics
George Herbert Jones Laboratory
Suite 211
5747 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
+1 773-702-8330
"Painlevé-III Monodromy Maps Under the D6→D8 Confluence and Applications to the Large-Parameter Asymptotics of Rational Solutions":
Midwestern Workshop on Asymptotic Analysis, Purdue University Fort Wayne, October 7-9, 2022; slides;
The Twelfth IMACS International Conference on
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, March 30 - April 1st, 2022; slides;
"Differential equations for the KPZ and periodic KPZ fixed points":
Hybrid: SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NWCS22), August 30 - September 2, 2022; slides;
MSRI program "Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems", Fall 2021;
video; slides;
Mini-Course: Riemann-Hilbert problems application in the random matrix theory
MSRI program "Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems", Fall 2021;
"Connection Problem for Painlevé Tau Functions":
Forty-Seventh Annual Mathematics Conference “Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems and their Applications”, Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA, September 20 - 21, 2019; slides;
Dissertation defense; slides;
"On some Hamiltonian properties of isomonodromic tau functions":
Workshop “Tau Functions of Integrable Systems and Their Applications” ,BIRS, Banff, Canada, September 2-7, 2018; slides;video;
Midwestern Workshop on Asymptotic Analysis, IU, Bloomington,October 5-7, 2018; poster;
"On the analysis of incomplete spectra in random matrix theory through an extension of the Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno differential":
Probability seminar at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, October 25, 2017; slides;
Midwestern Workshop on Asymptotic Analysis, IUPUI, Indianapolis, October 6-8, 2017; poster;
"Monodromy dependence and connection formulae for isomonodromic tau functions":
School on “Quantum integrable systems, conformal field theories and stochastic processes” , Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, Cargèse, France, September 12-23, 2016; slides;
"Connection problem for the tau-function of the Sine-Gordon reduction of Painlevé-III equation via the Riemann-Hilbert approach":
Workshop “Moduli spaces, integrable systems, and topological recursions” ,CRM, Montréal, Canada, January 9-13, 2016; slides;
Workshop “Asymptotics in integrable systems, random matrices and random processes and universality” . In honour of Percy Deift’s 70th birthday.CRM, Montréal, Canada, June 7-11, 2015; poster;